Sunday, December 19, 2010

Leaving NAB Behind...

17th Dec became the last day of work @ NAB. It was day where work and learning continued up until the last minute, I finalised my emails, set my voice mail, out of office etc along with providing updated list of "handover" things to Ivan. It followed by an learning session organised by Sizo & Greg Hollyman through a very creative approach of showing the movie - The Rogue Trader. Not to so much surprise, I was also honoured with departing "Good Bye Card" and "a Gift" - my manager Anna Koskinen gave a brief speech but summed it all very well by acknowledging the hard-work, sincerity, respect and 'gap' created by my departure. It was great to hear those words and see the true acknowledgement of my work and time at NAB. So thanks Anna and rest of the Internal Audit crew who made it all possible.

NAB Internal Audit has given me great opportunities to develop at both personal & professional fronts, specially the contributions by Ivan Edwards (don't mind if I do ;-) and Mary Kipouropoulos. 

From here on, I have nearly 23 days which needs to be balanced between a family life and little bit of research/studies and work around the home. For family, lots 'n lots of time for Ekam, I have not been giving her the due time and love so that's high priority followed by work around home for first week and then some studies before I get into the existing new world of Professional Services@ EY.